Sunday, August 22, 2010

Going to school naked

No, I am not really going to go to school naked but I am not sure what to wear, and wearing the wrong outfit and making the wrong first impression is almost as bad as wearing nothing at all. They are both saying that "i don't care what i look like or what people think of me"
not the impression i need to be making.
My favorite pair of shoes, plaid vans, were left at home and i will not have them in my possession until possibly this next weekend. what am i supposed to wear this week?! i don't want to wear heels all week, but i guess i will make do with the shoes that I do have.
Anyways, My best friend, Danny-Boy, called me today and told me something really sweet. I knew i did good choosing him as my best friend. He's in Utah and even has a different time period. its weird.
school starts tomorrow morning. and man, i need laundry soap!

1 comment:

  1. I'll try to send some laundry soap up with Brandon, my car broke down on me today so I can't get back to the store to get you some but I think I have one more box of soap here. If I do, it's yours. AND THE VANS WILL BE goin' up too! ha ha
